Free delivery is available, depending on the order amount and region. You can check the order amount for your region to get free delivery.
All about delivery flow
You have to book online; on the checkout page, check the box for delivery and choose the location where to deliver. You can simply put a little bike on the address you need, or within the map, you can see a search bar where you can write your address. Delivery could be managed only if you payed online! In case you have choosen to pay in store, means you have to come for the bike.
1 day before the delivery, we will contact you by phone, WhatsApp, or email to manage time of the delivery.
Information: Delivery made Between 7:00 and 10:00 morning hours.
Delivery Day!
Prepare the Deposit for the bike (Cash or card) and your passport or ID card.
Enjoy Your ride.
All drop-off deliveries would also be managed between 7:00 and 10:00 in the morning.
This means that you would have almost 24 hours of rent for the price of 1 day.
You need a bike for 5 days. So your rent is from Monday to Friday. We bring the bike on Monday morning, and we will collect the bike on Saturday morning.